About AIAC

About AIAC

The Assorted International Assistance Centre is extremely happy to publish this MBS (Multi Bread Sector) for the first time in the whole system. This is the great opportunity to me on behalf of (AIAC-Items) and to whom it is meant so that the whole AIAC-MBS systems will have good functionality and viability as we consider this as the main and basic service from our side to all the associates. Organization, is deeply rooted on Socio-Economic values caught by the intensity of the “welfare of the people” ; it is a Government Registered Non-Govt. Organization came into existence exactly on the year 2006 Sept.05 World assistance day. With a mission called “joining as well as earning”. The corporate hub ID holds gratifically to the professionals and dynamic individuals who have got the legacy of proven track record.

In contemporary society assorted assistance management is purely MBS based whether in developed or developing countries. Our Multi Bread Sector has significantly the lifestyle even of a common man. Its e-commerce is monitoring the total trade commerce system. The Government of India in its various policy documents recognized the need of having a strong on package and in appreciation of the same.

As AIAC is continuously striving towards the achievement of AIAC enrolment people since last 2006 Sept.05. We the aspirants, the hungry unemployed should cope-up with this massive programme with a spirit to be AIAC enrolment and to gain some financial strength.
As for as AIAC package is concern after fulfilling the basic criteria (i.e. Each AIAC associate is required to two LPV (Level Point Value) on purchasing products from any authorised sector according to RD Account Book (Reimburse Digital-cum-Non-Banking Account Book) page no. 8/32 & 9/32. Which in turn culminates in developing a marketing chain for the benefits of the Associates Primly to be seniority of its own self).

The AIAC-AAMST (Assorted Assistance Management Support Team) will introduce the service (A step towards eradication of unemployment & financial problem) from all its zones/branches and as in corporate offices. Because the poor people have to face many difficulties. So in the event of any natural calamity or economical calamity to do away with those disadvantages I thought profoundly that against it is necessary to form TDP (Triple Development Package) on financial support having united to all the people cause there can be no progress without united to disappear all difficulties. So request to all if they will enrol with us even if ever any financial difficulties arose we would try to remove. It does not mean that we are able to pay the financial support at a time to the entire people. But they have to know to get that support according to our TDP process.

You are now part of a team of achievers. You have taken your first step towards success & security. You made a decision that will help you realize your dreams and provide the best of everything to your family, to the people who matter to the most in your life. Have you made the right decision? A decision to choose a lifestyle that connects “Goals with income, Success and Happiness” AIAC brings a lifetime assorted assistance for you and your family backed by a fully fledged team to work with your and for you as you carry on with your life as before. This is a platform for your business. AIAC are just the assorted assistance providers. We are here to help you run your business. Our aim is to provide you with opportunities to make fast money with low risk in a short period of time. Because the present is the starting point of the future. It is my word to all hope and aspirant people. But all desire and effort are in the hand of the all mighty God. If He wants all things are possible.

Our History

it is a Government Registered Non-Govt. Organization came into existence exactly on the year 2006 Sept.05 World assistance day. With a mission called “joining as well as earning”. The corporate hub ID holds gratifically to the professionals and dynamic individuals who have got the legacy of proven track record.

Our Mission

Keeping in view the aforesaid constraints-AIAC has achieved an incredible break-through in solving this dead lock by introducing a two tire assistance “joining with earning” package where each path is studded with seemingly bumper opportunity of lucrative income while acquiring assorted bread skill and generally multi assistance to all AIAC associate without two tire package also.

Our Vision

As AIAC is continuously striving towards the achievement of AIAC enrolment people since last 2006 Sept.05. We the aspirants, the hungry unemployed should cop-up with this massive programme with a spirit to be AIAC enrolment and to gain some financial strength.

Why Choose Us


Financial Support

With the various way AIAC help the associate to financially aware and become a strongest people through its AIAC credit wings.

Privilege Shopping

If you are businessmen or a consumer, you always get benefits on every sales. businessmen get more customer and comsumer get more discount or offer.

Global Charity

Join for the global social charity, helps the poor, feed the kids and many more. here you are a equaled donor what AIAC pays for social works.

World-class products

AIAC manufacturing many kinds of products from the category of herbal and organic agriculture inputs where you can involve in this sector.